The Adventures of Finnegan Begin by Suzi Higley

The Adventures of Mr. Muffins by Bill Pagum

Mcphail3Angel Pig & the Hidden Christmas by Jan Waldron and David McPhail

Beamer the Nighttime Day Dreamer by Betty Ann Coach

The Bridge by Linda Edwards Beal

Brushes of the Heart by Ditty Mulry

Casey Comes to Rockport by Eileen Mueller

The Christmas Morning Sneak by A.H. Walker

Dancing, Suspended in Air by Johanna Schwartz

Dave the Sheep Dog? by Carrie McKie

A Ditty Day by Ditty Mulry

Ditty Day Adventure Series: Little Hibernation Book by Ditty Mulry

Do Starfish Light Up the Ocean by Wayne Adams

Ella May Finds a Home by Ditty Mulry

Emily Alice Eliza O’Shea by Pam Adams Katz

Faking It by Terri DeMitchell

Finnegan for Mayor by Suzi Higley and Paula Caron

George Anthiel Gives a Concert by Robert Lockwood

Grandma Ditty and the Monkey Man Treats by Ditty Mulry

A Great Day in Portsmouth by Flannery Holbrook

Heronymus Heron Discovers His Shadow by Jan Williams and Richard Skaare

The Juggling Bear by Claudia Landell

Kids in Costume by Linda Edwards Beal

Kids in Costume 2 by Linda Beal

The Little Brown Animal by DiMari Bailey

Lucy’s Amazing Friend by Stephanie Workman


Lucky: Little Guy…BIG Mission by Eileen Doyon

Miss Lulu and Stu by Denise Tiralla

My Dad the Superhero! by Sara Cook

Oatmeal, Big Blue, and the Frog by C. C. Underwood

The Piscataqua Papers by Josephine Donovan

A Present for Amore by Claudia Landell

Ralph ‘N Me by Sandy Tilton

The Seasons of Life by Barbara Murray

Shanna Poe’s Imaginary World: A Birthday Party by Deby Gervais

Shanna Poe’s Imaginary World: Gone to the Beach by Deby Gervais

Skunk on the Potty by A.Kareckas

Stone Soup by Lisa Morse

A TAD Bit Different by James Fleck

Tree by Denise Dauphine

A Tower of Giraffes by Martha Leathe

When Skunks Collide by Michelle Kareckas