By Baron Wormser


TeachUs_cover_webTeach Us That Peace shows how the seemingly impossible—racial harmony in the United States—
began to become possible.

The novel, set in Baltimore, chronicles two very important years in American history—1962 and 1963—through the experiences of a thirty-nine-year-old mother of three and high school English teacher named Susan Mermelstein and her sixteen-year-old son Arthur.

Wormser has received fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and Bread Loaf along with the Frederick Bock Prize from Poetry and the Kathryn A. Morton Prize. Governor Angus King appointed him Poet Laureate of Maine in 2000, a capacity he served in for six years.

He teaches in the Fairfield University MFA Program and is the Director of Educational Outreach at the Frost Place in Franconia, New Hampshire. For over twenty years, he has taught widely in schools throughout the United States, working with students and teachers alike.



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